Converge last night
A Storm Of Light had just taken the stage when I got inside. I was really impressed by what I heard, had a little look today, and it turns out it's Josh Graham from Red Sparowes/Neurosis/Battle Of Mice and they're already on album number 3?!
Anyway, it was one of those nice surprises as I didn't really check who was supporting before I got there. I'm surprised a guy with his reputation is playing 2nd support.
Touche Amore were decent, a lot of energy, but it didn't really grab me. I know it's pointless and dickish saying that X band sounds just like some band you liked way back when, but they really did sound SO MUCH like Orchid.
And Converge, well, they killed it like they always do. That they can still be so engaged so far down the line is pretty amazing. Good mix of new and old material. Very amusing when the same drunk guy clambers up the amps TWICE, after being allowed to stay in the venue after the first time. Also, it is really difficult to see anything in Koko, despite how lovely a building it may be. I got luckily in that I managed to wedge behind two disinterested, diminuitive girls on the middle balcony.
Who was on first? Were they any good?