Thursday Gaming Thread
Far Cry 3 reviews are pouring in and so far it seems to be a load of gushing, claiming it to be 'the greatest sandbox FPS ever made', I enjoyed Far Cry 2 but it dragged on way too much for my liking. I am intrigued though considering how strong the reviews have been for the thing so far.
Autumn Steam Sale, get some cheap games, have good times. X-Com currently £20 for example.
Wii U comes out, turns out the touch screen is pretty shit, still haven't played one but nor do I really want to. Zombi U the system seller turns out to be a bit shit.
Planetside 2 & Air Mech released on steam on the free to play model and whilst both of them don't really implement micro transactions as well as say 'Blacklight Retribution' or 'League Of Legends' they're certainly both worth your time.
Currently playing Crysis after picking it up on the cheap, really enjoying it, like myself some open FPS where I can take on enemies in a variety of ways, very satisfying.