The GREAT DrownedInSOUNDCLOUD Challenge (idea)
So it seems that from the two recent Soundcloud threads there are a lot of people on this here board not necessarily in bands but making good music. There are also people who seem to lack motivation (me included), so I had an idea; The Great DrownedInSoundcloud Challenge!
We'll pick a day in the near future in which people have to write a brand new song in just 24 hours and upload it to a special Soundcloud folder (which I believe can be done through more than one profile). After the day we can have a vote on the best one and the winner gets...a special prize! (or nothing, the winning isn't important).
Is this a good idea or not? Sometimes I think I have good ideas but they're rubbish. Basically its just a primer to write something new (maybe something different?), and another good way to find/support other peoples music.
If there is enough interest then I'll probably suggest a Sunday, maybe the 25th of November? What does everyone think?