Is it "harder\more expensive" to dress indie pop\rock now than it was ten years ago?
I mean it not as a fickle question. I'm a 36 year old who's yet to grow up and go to more gigs now than I did in the late 90s/early 00s. Back then everyone seemed to wear the band t-shirt that they'd bought a week ago from a gig with cheap jeans and old converse. The indie kids now look far cooler and chic than me and my cohort ever did. To be honest, 99% of people look cooler than I but there does seem so much effort put into the clothes and hairstyle nowadays. Back then it was the scruffier the better. I know, these are the rantings of an old indie kid but the indie "uniform" 10-15 years ago seems to be more cheaper and accessible than it is now. I'm currently having a post gig pint after the Tamaryn gig at The Lexington and hence it's a slightly drunken thread.