Small(ish) British bands you hope maintain some sort of popularity or following, so they continue to make good records.
I thought of this whilst mulling over the current trend for hyper, post-Foals alt-pop bands doing quite well for themselves. The likes of Alt-J, Everything Everything, Dutch Uncles, Egyptian Hip-Hop (album out this month), which, incidentally, I think is quite a decent scene to be burgeoning in the country.
But doesn't this marginalise inventive bands in this country who aren't so much part of the zeitgeist? I worry about some of these bands (e.g are The Phantom Band still going strong?) so I thought we could list bands we are fans of here, just in case they disappear before our very eyes.
My tip is The Invisible. I have to say their self titled debut passed me by, despite the Mercury Nomination. But after several very positive reviews of this year's follow up, Rispah, I picked it up and gradually grow to love it. The Radiohead influence is clear, but what really shows after the first few vaguely repetitive listens is a love for their craft which creates a really spooky but original record. I hope they keep going, because I can't imagine it's flown off the shelves.
Stick to British as we'd be here all day otherwise.