Is It Okay For Legendary Musicians To Act Like Pr**cks?
Obviously there's one name that instantly comes to mind, Morrissey. An absolute legend, it's undeniable, in my eyes anyway. Like Bowie, like The Stones, like Lou Reed, Morrissey has done enough for music to be able to play the tortured, mysterious artist in his golden years. But unlike the rest of those guys, he takes it too far. Stories about Morrissey wrecking his neighbours BBQ's, snubbing other musicians, making outrageous demands, calling us Nazi's for enjoying the Olympics,they paint a picture of a massive pr**ck with an overinflated ego.
Gary Powell of The Libertines just recently got into trouble for calling dear old Morrissey a k**bhead in a recent interview, [] but I think its about time we all started being honest about this (once) legendary douche. I mean his last few albums weren't even that impressive. Get on your bike Mozza, you're starting to embarrass yourself...