Artists you love unconditionally
I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that I love pretty much everything I hear by Prince. Yesterday I gave his most recent album, 20Ten, another listen for the first time since I got it. First time through, I remained pretty unimpressed. Second time, I noticed at least 3 or 4 songs I liked. Third listen I was converted. And this isn't the first time this has happened. I even love Emancipation, which seems to be hated by pretty much everyone. Bottom-line: I have no critical faculties when it comes to Prince. Of course, I realize that Lotusflower isn't as good as Around the World in a Day, but I don't care. I still love it.
So DiS-ers, which acts do you love regardless of how much the world might tell you that they're past their prime and haven't released a decent album since 1966?