This week's singles chart
Are they still called "singles"?
1) Cock In Hand - Lady Gaga
2) Bing Bang Bong - Crazy Dance Team Ft. Hairy Bollocks
3) Face Like A Smacked Arse - Cheryl Ft. Cher
4) Ooh - The Ooh Band
5) Jesus H. Christ - Coldplay
6) (You) And Me (Party) - Wobble Vs. Euroshit Ft. Twat
7) Massive Bell-End (Smeg Megamix) - Dappy Ft. His Fucking Mother
8) My Crotch - Jesse J
9) Dreary Derivative Shite On A Stick - Vaccines
10) What (The) Hell Happened? - Dickwad Ft. Dana