Has 2012 been a great year for music or are DiS writers getting waaaay too generous with 10/10s?
Today, DiS has given The xx a 10/10. Actually, not DiS hasn't, Hayden Woolley has. Which kinda asks two things...
1) Are DiS writers being too generous in our old age? (I mean, 'we' as a website are 12 years old in a few weeks!)
i) do we need to give writers less freedom?
ii) should we maybe only allow scores upto a 9 and then leave it down to Andrzej our reviews editor discretion if a review should be bumped up to a 10?
iii) Do the reviews and the passion the writers have shown for the records justify the scores?
iv) is the passion for music in our reviews, which also permeates these boards, what makes DiS different from everywhere else and why you still come here instead of spend your days on Facebook and Twitter?
2) Has 2012 been a truly great year for music to justify 5 albums getting 10/10s?
i) Albums which have had 10/10 Swans, Blondes, Death Grips, Actress and now The xx
ii) Worth noting we've also done a lot of -2/10 reviews this year too
Some debate about it on Dom's Facebook wall and on my Twitter!/search/realtime/seaninsound