Worst (Not Embarassing) CD you own
Insolence - Cant remember title of album.
But its like the dregs of Rap/Nu metal. Take everything that is good about Rage against the machine (if thats your cup of tea), add some bad funk bass, a rapper with less skills than robbie williams (and whats that cunt playing at when he tries to 'rap' while Im on that point), guest appearances from other cunting bands of the same genre, and lyrics more banal than ggggggggggareth ggggggggates.
I think a really awful cd amnesty is required, similar to the mixtape swapalooza where people are matched up and have to send their worst album to another, who then has to review it on here. Actually thats far too much effort.
Anyway, name and shame, and reasons why it should be avoided like John Leslie's cock.
But its like the dregs of Rap/Nu metal. Take everything that is good about Rage against the machine (if thats your cup of tea), add some bad funk bass, a rapper with less skills than robbie williams (and whats that cunt playing at when he tries to 'rap' while Im on that point), guest appearances from other cunting bands of the same genre, and lyrics more banal than ggggggggggareth ggggggggates.
I think a really awful cd amnesty is required, similar to the mixtape swapalooza where people are matched up and have to send their worst album to another, who then has to review it on here. Actually thats far too much effort.
Anyway, name and shame, and reasons why it should be avoided like John Leslie's cock.