As you may have already heard, W A Ltd’s very own Dingus Khan will be exhibiting their noise at the Reading and Leeds festivals in just over two weeks time.
Wilbur Alan Ltd. takes great pleasure in being able to offer one lucky person a chance to win TWO lucky day tickets to Reading Festival on Sunday 26th August, where Dingus Khan will be playing at around 5pm.
Rather than simply giving the tickets away via raffle/tombola/hook-a-duck, we will instead be selecting a winner by means of Wilbur Alan Ltd’s Semi-googleable Internet-based Phone Number Treasure Hunt Adventure.
The details of Wilbur Alan Ltd’s Semi-googleable Internet-based Phone Number Treasure Hunt Adventure are as follows;
Participants will be required to answer a series of ELEVEN questions.
The answers to each of those questions will be a number between 0 and 9.
Once the eleven questions have been answered correctly, they will form the phone number of one member of Dingus Khan.
You will then be required to dial this number.
On dialling the number, you will most probably be greeted by the word, ‘Hello’ and possibly the words ‘Who is this?’. (Entries may be void if your number is already saved in our phone book).
At this point you will recite the following message;
‘Take my face! I don’t need it any more!’
If no-one answers, leave a voicemail containing the above message.
If your are deemed to have barked this statement with enough vigour and conviction to earn yourself a ticket to Reading Festival, you will have won.
The first person to ring the number and scream these words will win the tickets. Any subsequent responses will be appreciated but unfortunately worthless.
The eleven questions are as follows;
Which number between 0 and 9 bears most resemblance to an Olympic bronze medal?
What is the most frequently occurring second digit in mobile phone numbers?
The Dingus Khan song, ‘Fire Alarm’ features counting; what number do they count to?
In which season of The Simpsons, does Bart attempt to jump across Springfield Gorge?
How many offices does the company Marcus Evans have in Africa?
What is the 3rd digit of the Ipswich telephone area code?
How many components are there in a two-part epoxy adhesive (such as Araldite)?
What was the highest UK Chart position of TLC’s ‘No Scrubs’?
If you were to visit Colchester Zoo and come across half of their Komodo Dragon population, how many Komodo Dragon’s legs would you see (assuming all legs are visible)?
How many points did Norway’s women beat South Korea by to make the final of the 2012 Olympic Handball final?
Which Rocky film featured Mr T, The Eye of the Tiger and Hulk
Good luck.
Terms and Conditions;
The prize is a pair of tickets that will be won by one person. There will only be one winner.
The winner and their friend will have to pay a £15 charity donation on arrival at the festival in exchange for their ticket, we’re sorry, there’s nothing we can do about this, we’re not made of money.
The winner will have to arrange their own transport to and from the festival, we’ll struggle to get ourselves there, without having to think about you.
If possible it would be good if the winner could give our friend Mike a lift to the festival as well.