Guitar Amp Advice
I like guitar amp threads. Mmm, ampy. Anyway, the other guitarist in my band is looking for a new guitar amp as his Peavey Valveking either doesn't wake up, do what it's told to, or explodes at the wrong time. (A bit like Wayne Rooney in an England shirt. BANTS) Advice on amp heads appreciated.
Looking for a head (valve massively preferred) around 50W. No digital modelling nonsense. Currently thinking of a Laney or a second hand Marshall.
I play a modded jazzmaster through an Orange Rockerverb 50, which is quite a warm sound, he has an epi les paul, I'm thinking something with a more 'modern' voicing would work well? He borrowed a Blackstar on tour which sounded much better than the valveking.
Anyway, we sound like this:
People in bands with 2 or more guitars- do you try altering your setups so that your guitar sounds complement each other?