who do you trust, reviews-wise?
I didn't want to start another Pitchfork thread, but this is essentially about Pitchfork. these days, it's the 7.whatever records or the 8.somethings w/o BNM status that tend to be the best records. they seriously overhype some godawful bland stuff these days. gone way too far with the whole 'look at us, we get pop' thing.
there was a period between the early omg 10.0 for a mediocre emo record some guy really likes days and the omg popular music days when it was inherently trustworthy. like, everything they rated was brilliant.
I think I'm coming across a bit Carles here. from a few pieces he has written, I think I long for the same era.
I think I trust the Quietus, but I think they're prone to overrating the kind of droney/dirty/heavy/ugly kind of music they all seem to like.