Some things weren't meant to
1) Om 29
1) Blues Control 29
3) Wooden Shjips 26
4) Jeremiah Jae 23
5) High On Fire 12
6) Teebs 11
7) Art Ensemble Of Chicago 8
8) The Ex 5
9) El-P 3
10) Oneida 2
1)a) Advaitic Songs is a really really strong album. Might piss off Om traditionalists but it's streets ahead of God is Good. Might even be better than Pilgrimage. They've gone full on eastern mystic pyschedelia and it sounds bloody wonderful. Even if Al's lyrics are still hilariously clichéd. I don't think he's had a new lyrical idea for 25 years. Love you really, Al.
3) Going to see them tonight. Quite excited. It's been a while. I hope they're loud, droney and meandering.
5) Praise be. I've finally found a High on Fire album I like: got the remaster of The Art of Self Defense. It's nice and sludgy and still has the spiralling pysch elements. So yeah, it's good.
8) Got Turn for 2€. Bargain. Worth that for Theme from Konono and Huriyet alone.
10) I like the krauty stuff best but have been making an effort with the dronier bits of their output, especially the stuff on Thank Your Parents. The last album is pretty stonking if you give it some time and effort.