belated PYSCH THREAD 2012
Seeing as there's loads of these threads flying around, how about one for all the good stuff which is cosmic and otherwise otherwordly, possible narcotic and transcendental. But not avant garde. That's the other thread with the really long title.
Anyway, just heard the new OM record and they've decided to get completely lost somewhere along the Silk Road. First album in which you can really hear Emil Amos and Al Cisneros starting to play and think together. God Is Good was pretty awkward at times, but this feels a lot more natural. It is quite Grails-y but I don't think that's anywhere near a bad thing because Deep Politics was the most upsettingly forgotten album of last year.
This isn't the best track but it's the only one on youtube atm. It's more meaty than most of the record.
On a possible tangental note, I'm also looking forward to hearing the promo I just got of Jeremiah Jae's record on Brainfeeder. He pretty much IS pyschedelic hip-hop. Just the most odd, out-there and strange sound I've come across yet.
So post some more psychedelic stuff. Not genre specific, but the first person to post some psy-trance is going to get it. I'm looking at you, Cementimental.