Therapy? (/ Husker Du)
A sister thread to the Husker Du thread...
Who here likes both Husker Du and Therapy? ? And who likes one and not the other?
Was listening to some Therapy? for the first time in ages the other day and I forgot how good some of their songs were. A lot of their stuff is obviously massively influenced by Husker Du - be it the spiky early stuff on Babyteeth/Pleasure Death and Nurse, and both the pop rock hits and the darker ones on Troublegum/Infernal Love/Semi-Detatched - indeed one of their best known songs is a great re-working of Diane by Husker Du.
I'm conscious, however, that a lot of people look back on their stuff now with a bit of an ironic grin and lump them in with Britrock and all that sort of thing but despite a few dated 90s-isms there are some genuinely cracking tunes there.
I also imagine there's a lot of hipsters who like Husker Du because they were 80s and seminal and so on who have either, i) have never heard of and/or never listened to Therapy? (and might actually like them); ii) listened to a couple of songs and dismissed them (and might actually like them); or iii) have listened to them and think they are shite because they aren't a band anyone really talks about in a good light any more (and might actually like them). So I guess this a thread where people, especially Husker Du fans, should listen to Therapy? if they haven't before and say here what they think as I'd be interested to read it.
I like Husker Du, I like Therapy?. But I think a lot of people like Husker Du just because they are supposed to when they don't actually like it that much, and there are probably some other people that like it but haven't really bothered listening to some of the later stuff they influenced because nobody really writes or talks about it.
If this for instance was a Husker Du song, I think it would be regarded as the best single of theirs from the major label era : ... however, it didn't even make it onto Therapy?'s best of. This one is just a stone cold classic pop song whoever it was by :
Am I wrong?
Cue "yes" reply and 20+ thises.
Hopefully I'm being presumptuous and everyone who has heard them both likes both bands and this can be a positive thread.