Where did you sleep night?
1 Future of the Left 74
2 Guided by Voices 21
3 Bob Dylan 17
4 The Twilight Sad 10
5 Pixies 8
6 mclusky 7
7 Truckers Of Husk 5
8 Shooting At Unarmed Men 4
9 Silver Apples 3
10 The Fall 2
10 Jarcrew 2
12 Shellac 1
12 The Mae Shi 1
1. Wow that's a lot.
2. Class Clown Spots A UFO isn't as good as Let's Go Eat The Factory
7. Really haven't listened to Accelerated Learning enough. That's my task for this week.
10. I wish this album was on Spotify so I could listen to more than 2 songs. Might have to buy it.
TOTW - Notes On Achieving Orbit, obviously: