Why do you still buy magazines?
I'm doing a little event next Saturday, tongue-in-cheekly titled 'Why Hasn't The Internet Killed the Music Magazine?' because in theory, it should have done, and our shelves shouldn't have quite so many print publications on them.
I'm still guilty of walking into a shop, flicking through magazines for twenty minutes and then purchasing three or four different magazines (usually one music mag - most often Notion - and then usually something like Wired or Fast Company or New Statesman or maybe something like Port or Creative Review or something that has an interesting lengthy feature in it... often stuff like New Yorker or The Atlantic or whenever I see it, New York magazine). I guess I get sick of pixels all week and like to immerse myself in the pages of magazines, and in the minds of the people writing. I still like to see things, and to have a sense of stuff being presented to flick through, fully aware that curatorial decions have been made about what has made the cut this month, and what deserves more space than others. I guess there's going to be a whole generation who've never known the joy of reading Swells in Four Four Two or trying to decipher a gonzo-inspired album review in Melody Maker or - god forbid - never have picked up a copy of the FT magazine in a pub and found yourself reading a 12k word feature about some far-flung country that you had no inclination to ever visit, and then suddenly feeling like you've been there.
I guess I love magazines for a lot of reasons, but I'd like to know why you still do (and why you no longer) buy magazines.
If any of you want to come to the event it's free, and part of a weekend of things that the folks from Stack Magazine club have organized