Bands that have lost a key member and didn't turn rubbish (Turbonegro, in this instance).
Turbonegro's lead singer, Hank von Helvete, left the band a while back and it seems they split up for a bit as a result. Now they've decided to come back with a new singer and are releasing a new album in a couple of weeks.
The new singer, as i understand it, is a long-time associate of the band and probably is/will be a good front man in his own right, but Hank in many respects *was* Turbonegro. The music is unlikely to change much on the new album, but a lot of the songs were based on Hank's lyrics, and live it was defintiely about his showmanship.
I don't know. I love Turbonegro and will buy the new album and see them if they tour, but without Hank it just doesn't 'feel' like Turbonegro.
Are there any bands that have a lost a core/integral member (particularly the front man) and not ended up being a pale imitation of the band they once were?