I'm thinking of making a life-changing decision. Advice sought.
So, like all clear-eyed right thinking people I order my CDs alphabetically by artist and then within that chronologically by release date. And I have for years.
I have been toying with the idea recently of reordering everything by 'genre' (kind of). My rationale is this:
-there are large sections of the CD collection that only I can reach because I am taller than wife/kids.
-there are lots of CDs that only I would choose to listen to (Pig Destroyer etc don't go down well with the wife)
I could have all the heavy stuff up the top and then the more spouse/child friendly material down the bottom.
So far so good, but I imagine a lot of actual problems when it comes to deciding what goes with what genre exactly. Do I keep modern Tom Waits with early Tom Waits even though they sound so different????
Has anyone done this before? How did you do it? How do you order your cds?
A million replies.