Please help create a mix CD for a kind-hearted bus driver
Hi all,
My girlfriend currently commutes between Oxford and London, which as you can imagine takes its toll when needing to do it five days a week. After arriving on the Oxford Tube, she then catches another "little bus" (her words) to complete the last ten minutes of the journey.
The bus driver has gotten to know her and from the sounds of things is a very good natured, friendly old chap who likes a good natter. As he's started to recognise her, he's started to go above and beyond to help out my girlfriend, sympathising her long commute. Some of the things he does:
o Boxes the Oxford Tube if he's running late in the evenings to allow her to catch it after he arrives.
o Lets her know of any travel news he's heard on the radio between Oxford and London that may impact her journey.
o Had no other passengers one day, so decided to drive her up to the door of her work. Also drove her to Boots once when she was ill.
o Waits at the stop for her if she's arriving late.
I've heard he's the same way with others who take the time to be polite or chat to him on the bus also, and to all extents just seems like a genuine, friendly character.
Anyway, here's where I'm asking for your help.
In one of their conversations, he was talking about how he really likes his music, but hasn't found anything in the last twenty five years that he has any time for. I want to make him a CD to attempt to prove him wrong, however, his tastes are a little outside of my comfort-zone. Apparently he likes Pink Floyd, Thin Lizzy & Deep Purple. Any suggestions?