Music Discovery vs Technology vs You
Hi All,
So I've been pondering this for as long as I can remember, and just put up an interview on my blog sort of expanding on a comment I made a few weeks ago about how ''an obsession with the new has been more damaging to the music business than piracy'' which is kinda more of a concept, than something I can back up with true statistics.
Which got me thinking, I was wondering if you could all say how you discover music now (and maybe how that has changed) and do some finger to the wind estimates of the number of bands you listen to a week now, and the number you then go on to buy something from (whether it's a t-shirt or a gig ticket or a record). Also be fascinated to know if you're mainly browsing new bands who've not released albums, or acts who have maybe one album out or whether you mainly seem to be interested in acts who've released two or more records (maybe some vague percentages).
And yeah, any other thoughts on this topic would be really interesting, as I think for all the things people are trying to do by developing services and tools, that it still feels like a lot of human-to-human recommendation is what's winning through...
p.s. here's an interesting piece about why we're obsessed with the shiny and new