heavy thread?
not been one for a month or two
first single off the new gojira record... vocals sound grrreat/ i like it when bands lock in to a simple riff and then change up the time signature and it takes a few goes around to hear it right. reminds me of a his hero is gone song an awful lot too.
that author and punisher record is really interestin but maybe not that good? idk i only listened through once. lonely is a tune. i reckon the slide keyboard thing is probably more fun to play than it is to listen to.
been rinsing harmonicraft in the car, you CANNOT beat torche blasting out of open windows on a sunny day. it's the best record they've ever made, so many huge moments... kicking, walk it off, solitary traveller & snakes are charmed are probs my top 4 tunes of the year. just massive massive love all round.
not really played my way into where de vermis mysteris sits in high on fire's career yet but it's AT LEAST a very good record. madness of an architect <3.
might pick up anhedonist, martyrdod, embers & ancestors this week.
what up?