Furryfan hit me up after he did his top ‘the neptunes top 100 countdown’ and ‘j dilla top 100 countdown’ threads and asked if I’d be interested in doing a Kanye production countdown with him. We discussed it and decided it would be fun to open it up to whomever else on DiS likes some Kanye beats and wants in (lurkers welcome).
So the deal is such:
You submit your ranked top 30 produced-by-Kanye tracks ballot to me at popthelevels at gmail dot com (or PM me) by end of day Sunday, April 22. I will then compile the lists/numbers and do a top 50 countdown of the results the following week, 10 a day, M-F. I will accept ballots with a minimum of 20 entries; so don’t be dissuaded if you can’t quite come up with 30. I will use the following point system:
1:50, 2:45, 3:41, 4:38, 5:36, 6:35, 7:34, 8:33, 9:32, 10:31, 11:30…… 29:12, 30:11
You don’t necessarily have to be a Kanye die-hard to participate, we want this to be fun and not all super-exclusive so even if you’re a fairly passive fan, throw a ballot together, the more the better. The wiki page is a pretty thorough list of most everything he’s done. I planned on making a spotify list of everything on there but found a list that had already been compiled. I attached that link below (I will fact check it against the wiki link later) so that should get the ball rolling. Again, this is for Kanye’s best *production* jobs so you don’t HAVE to vote for any solo Kanye if you don’t want, it could be a full ballot of other artists that he did a beat for. ITS ALL ABOUT THE BEATS.
So we have a few weeks (myself included) to get things together, should be plenty of time, no excuses! Use this thread for general track campaigning/arguing. Shed light on unheralded tracks you want people to vote for or throw darts at songs you feel are overrated or whatever.
Feel free to ask any questions.