SHUFFLER - flick through the music posted on DiS --->
Hi all,
You may have noticed over there ---> on the community and frontpages, that I've added a new brightly coloured button that says Shuffler.
If you bash it, it lets you browse all of our posts that contain audio. Basically lets you flick through the embedded audio on the site.
I quite like it and am thinking of ways that a) explain what this button is (as it probably isn't clear) and b) whether we should be putting audio on all reviews to allow you to browse our reviews whilst listening to them. c) I've also asked for a shuffle button so that can you can listen at random (which may make for interesting serendipity and concept threads)
Anyway, give it a bash and see what you think - although I imagine the first few things it plays right now from The Shins piece might not be the best introduction to the music posted on DiS.