let's post strange and awesome tunes and talk about them
c'mon, let's.
Black Dice - 'Smiling Off (DFA Remix)'
Black Dice were hardly the most typical DFA band (are they still on the label? I have no idea), but this remix splits the difference. not only has it got a wicked cool DFA-style tight but kind of loose and swaggering beat, but it also has trippy Black Dicey sounds all up in there, weirding out on spacey rave drugs.
it's like strutting through a foggy, nightmarish, luminescent green mirror world in which you are actually a disco marionette, and being made to strut by a ghastly puppet-master. and all manner of equally ghastly oddities creep out from the shadows, doing their own freaky dance, but it's okay,
because you're all spacey too, and just want to give them a hug.
honestly, it's exactly like that. EYYYY AH AH AH EYYYYY AHHHHH.