Bands you have met/records you have signed?
What bands have you met over the years?
The first time I met a band was Why? at their Garage, London gig back in 2008. They were working their own merch stall and Yoni was just hanging around with fans, having a beer. My friend had drawn a stupid but detailed picture of them on the train and the band loved it so they stuck it up on the pin board behind the merch table. Great gig!
Second was Ed O' Brian from Radiohead, he recently did a very secret lecture at my Uni. We all thought it was going to be Thom but Ed turned out to be a brilliant speaker and had plenty of cool stories. He signed my Kid A LP afterwards too.
Interviewed a sorta up and coming folk band called Ahab recently and they gave me free CD's n stuff to review. Nice guys!
I also have Wild Beasts 1st LP signed, bought that at a gig and I have Smother on CD signed from HMV.
I once followed Bonobo up some stairs but my friend and I were too nervous to say hello.