A discussion thread of albums generally deemed to be worth 7/10 by people which you totally love
So I've been in urgent need of some new music on my iPhone and basically plonked loads of albums from 2009-2010 on, and it got me thinking how many of the records which I deemed a bit throwaway at the time are actually totally wicked.
First up, I know some people rated it but The Fall's 'Imperial Wax Solvent' is proper awesome. It grows on me with every listen and is so much more varied than I'd maybe suspect.
I've also decided that I really like the second Foals album, even if no-one else does. I was entirely distrustful of the band at first but under the slightly dreamy production, there are as many peaks and outstanding songs on 'Total life forever' as you'd find on Caribou's 'Swim' or that recent Antler's record.
And I know a couple of people on here liked it as much as I did, but after 2 years of solid listening I truly believe Hot Chip's 'One life stand' to be an utter masterpiece from start to finish. I get why some people might baulk at 'Slush' - I skip it very occasionally myself - but it serves a notable purpose when listened to coherently. It's just a perfect electro pop record, the kind of thing I hoped New Order would make upon reforming and a better LP as a whole than most of their DFA-esque peers.
What about you?
Eulogise about your under-valued loves below. Or criticise mine if you're that sort of evil-hearted bastard...