great albums you significantly improve by removing/skipping one song
i'll go first.
album: in utero
track: "rape me"
masterpiece that in utero is, "rape me" is a ghastly miscalculation of a song. apart from being sandwiched between "heart shaped box" and "frances farmer will have her revenge on seattle" (in the process being completely overshadowed by both), its most heinous offence is the ridiculous call-and-response "rape me! rape me!" ending, which brings the song to a crude and ill-considered - not to mention unnecessarily graphic - "climax". a classic example of a songwriter's heart being in the right place but his judgement being sadly absent.
album: ok computer
track: fitter, happier
i suppose it made sense as an "entrance theme" during the proceeding tour, but it's a track which, in context, serves no purpose other than to bludgeon the themes of ok computer home with all the subtlety of a train wreck at a rail safety conference. a poor man's revolution 9. anyone who's ever had the chance to skip this track has done.