The worst titled albums in you music collection
It struck me today listening to the otherwise wonderful "Yours Truly, Cellophane Nose" by Beth Jeans Haughton that it's quite possibley the worst album title of any I own. Giving it a quick skim through game up with some other stinkers, but I'm pretty sure it's top of the list. Others were:
Broom - Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin (what cleaning implement will be next? Mop? Dustpan? Toilet Duck? Terrible!)
Strictly Leakage - Atmosphere (If only for a personal aversion to "leakage" it's just one of those words that sounds horrid)
Veckatimest - Grizzly Bear (if you're going to name your album after an uninhabited island the lest you could do is choose one with an aethetically pleasing name!)
Whatever people Say I am That's What I'm Not - Arctic Monkeys (clunky McClunkikins)