Misleading and/or ''Bad'' Band Names
I saw a band called Radical Face last night. They were exceptional. I wouldn't have listened to them if it wasn't for a friend I trust suggesting I'd quite like them. And then discovering they have the same agent as Bon Iver and Beirut. Anyway, I went and it was devastating in a Bright Eyes' doomed-youth, Cat Power's heart-curdling tales (there was one song about a kid watching his twin brother die) and the blue sky road-trip good time vibe of Nada Surf, Remy Zero, etc... was even a hint of Arcade Fire to it. Def not what I was expecting, especially after discovering that song on the Nokia advert is them.
Was also put off tUnE-yArDs on first listen. And then I saw her live and was blown away. (See also: )
And I also thought Dirty Projectors were gonna sound like The Black Keys or some sorta bad alt-country band.