la st fm
01 Julia Holter 30
02 Standard Fare 20
03 Liturgy 18
03 WU LYF 18
05 White Hills 17
06 Abe Vigoda 16
07 Black Tambourine 15
07 Troubles Books & Mark Mcguire 15
07 Patrice & Friends 15
10 Peter Evans Quintet 14
I don't know whether Standard Fare's Out Of Sight, Out Of Town counts as a 2011 or 2012 re: the moved back release dates etc but what I do know is that it is one of the very finest indie-pop LPs in recent years. Great great great songwriting and Emma Kupa is a fantastic storywriter and singer.
From an outsider's perspective, the black metal scene seems to consist of people trolling each other by staying the same/being different/having too many ideas/having not enough ideas/being hipsters/killing people. For whatever reason I popped on the Liturgy album from last year a few times and enjoyed it.
Still really enjoying the full band record Ghosts from June or whenever it came out. Ensemble playing that flits between dark abstract moods and swinging grooves but hits just as hard whatever is going on. Has anyone heard the recent Peter Evans solo record from December [Beyond Civillized And Primitive]?