7-minute blasts of jet-powered, pissed-off English industrial rock
This is some of my favourite music ever. A playlist, humbly selected, for you to discuss, add to, or cavil at:
Wire - 99.9 (fuck. yeah.)
The The - Good Morning Beautiful (which fits the title description perfectly despite having no drums)
These New Puritans - We Want War
The Fall - 4 1/2 Inch, played twice in a row
XTC - Travels In Nihilon
Echoboy - Wasted Spaces (this one and 99.9 basically inspired this thread, they'll rip your guts out)
The Wildhearts - Thunderfuck
First person to suggest 'Swastika Eyes' gets a slap. Really I just want to talk about 99.9 and Wasted Spaces. I wish so much more music sounded like them. Does anyone else like those songs?