music from films set in the future
i just read this: ''every future we imagine is transformed inexorably into a part of our children's understanding of their past, of the assumptions their parents and grandparents could not help but make.'' cool.
children of men(2027).
one of the recurring themes in 90s-shot films seems to be the general public's taste becoming more violent and fetishy, a lot of jumping on the rammstein train; maybe that's more of a cyberpunk genre trope thing than a real prediction of dystopia tastes? i can't remember any 70/80s films going down the leather, chrome and nipple tassle route though, when did cyberpunk become a thing?
have there been any false utopia films made where everyone is still listening to fucking mumford and sons?
i thought this would be an interesting thread but i can't come up with any good examples now, ah well.
look at how expensive this book is! fucks sake, i can't afford that.