Recommendations: radio programmes/podcasts
Thought this could be an interesting/useful thread given how much I like listening to the radio recently.
I've been greatly saddened by the loss of Giles Peterson from the BBC and I'm looking for a bit more stuff along that ilk - fairly loose in terms genre/style, electronic, 'world' and pyschedelic stuff crossing with some older soul and jazz. Started recently listening to Benji B on demand and he's pretty good (but a bit hit and miss I have to admit).
As a recently uprooted UK inhabitant now in Paris -it would also do my french no end of good to listen to something with actual french voices, so please any french residents (Lyle?) note some good stuff from there. Might do a separate thread for that one.
Feel free to use this as a general thread for recommendations of stuff you've liked and would recommend - from whatever country and whatever station. Specialist programmes appreciated!
My personal (and well-documented) favourite is DJ/Rupture on WFMU. 'World' music without the crappy middle class hippy delusions. Dub, electronica, ambient, hip hop, arabic, cumbia and general left-field jams from around the world in a lovely soup of genres and influences. Plus he's got a great radio voice.