Tonight I'm doing a radio show loosely on the theme of 'when artists completely change their sound'
Hi there, time for a usual Monday evening JAG. I do a show on URN called The Radiolab with my partner Ben (I'm posh, he's Northern). We just set up a new Facebook page actually:
We're taking a departure from our usual picking of whatever we like to air, but still keeping in line with our underlying 'rock, pop, electronic, hip-hop and experimental of the alternative persuasion' mission statement. We'll be chronologically looking at some of the biggest, boldest and best turnarounds in an artist's sound since the 60s. Not the likes of Beck, David Bowie, Bjork, Aphex Twin, Animal Collective, The Cure etc who have been constantly evolving and altering their sound, but rather within the course of an album or two, who switched stuff up and really caused a stir. In some cases it can go alongside line-up change too.
So it's hardly going to come as a surprise that the acts we're picking tonight are quite big in 'our world': Talking Heads, The Velvet Underground, Radiohead, Talk Talk, Daft Punk, Roxy Music/Brian Eno, Beastie Boys amongst many others.
We're also welcoming interaction as always and we'd love to know which side of the artists we play you prefer as well as other examples in the history of music we've missed (probably loads).
Anyway if that sounds like your bag, we're on from 9-11 tonight. Stream at: Thanks!