Does anybody still read Mojo?
I was at a wedding recently, and whilst chatting to another guest about music, i mentioned the once great Mojo magazine.
'Yeah, I don't read that anymore.' was the guests response with a look of mild distain on his face. I myself, who used to buy it religiously, have not bought an issue for well over 4 years. the once haven of interesting musical articles has essentially become the bastard offspring of Q. recent crimes include: Giving Duffy credibility, letting Noel Gallagher edit an issue (although, after Phil Alexander took over, what harm could it do?), and reducing the once great 'how to buy' section to covering Bowie and, more recently, Black Sabbath. Two artists you'd assume that regular Mojo readers would be more than familiar with.
If this comes across as anger, I apologise. I'm not angry, just really disapointed.
Am I alone in my disapointment guff cloud?