Returning to the same artists/albums over and over
I consider myself to have a pretty wide musical taste, from country to dub, techno to psychedelia...and do enjoy exploring new areas of music, collecting records from those varied areas and the general process of discovery contained therein.
However I more often than not find myself returning to the same old records I've been listening to for years. Kind of like an obsession. I always think that the true taste barometer is what you listen to privately when on my way from one place to the next (home to work commute, drunken bus ride home from town seem to form my main two extended listening opportunities).
In my case almost exclusively hip-hop or related sub genres. I found myself listening to "Entroducing" for the 1 trillionth time this morning, and when I came home from work, I put Madlib's Beatkonducta on (which I've also listened to far more times than any other record in the past year).
Anyone else find themselves to be such a creature of habit?