I highly recommend this college radio station
KFJC 89.7.
Been listening to this station now for the past few weeks and have discovered some incredible artists. They don't play any commercial music at all and a big chunk of what they play is new stuff. From their website:
"KFJC's mission in life, as much as we can agree on such a thing, is to be a conduit for new and interesting audio art and information, especially the sorts that are unavailable elsewhere. Our music programming is largely oriented to recent material. Most programs must play at least 35% (by song count) tracks from material added in the last 8 weeks. We strive to carry the best of many styles of music and relevant public affairs programming."
They specialize in different genre depending on the DJ. Right now they're playing incredible ambient music. Monday mornings (UK time) black metal and other genres throughout the week.
I highly recommend that people who prefer underground music across different genres spend some time with this station. You won't be disappointed.