Geeky stats-based 'albums of 2011' question
Okay, now that's out of the way I was trying to work out if there was a way to accurately determine my favourite 2011 release by weighting stats so that release date didn't affect it.
i.e. I'm just listening to Wild Flag now but I've had PJ Harvey's album for months so if I just do the natural thing:
( album plays) / (no. of tracks on the album)
then older albums have had more chance to get more plays.
I could use the first date I listened to a track off an album in Last.FM to give me the number of days I'd owned it and weight the listens with that but you usually give an album a big listen when you first get it then it trails off, so this would then give the newest album unfair weighting.
So, how would *you* do it?