fans of refused...
How comfortable/aware are you of this bands plagiarism of Nation of Ulysses? Don't take this as an attack, if you like to listen to Refused then there's really nothing else to it, but considering this band is so regarded I just wondered if y'all knew the history before proclaiming them to be seminal? If you don't that's cool to! Music history is pretty useless unless you care loads about it, and it's completely forgiveable if you don't. I won't be so patronising as to type up the whole story, but if you care enough to google the two bands it should be pretty obvious that Refused more or less lifted their sound, image and ideals from NOU several years after the fact and coated it in an joyless, European sheen. Like I said I'm not asking about your own enjoyment of the music, just whether this information registers when all the hype gets thrown around?
P.S. Dennis Lyxzen also ripped off Ian Svenonius for a second time when he formed his post-refused band The international noise conspiracy, who were a rip off of post-nation of ulysses band the make up.