"The Third Policeman" a (neur)OPERA by ERGO PHIZMIZ @ The Kazimier 6.10.11
Ladies and Lads....
UPITUP RECORDS delightfully and excitedly presents:
//// T H E T H I R D P O L I C E M A N \\\\
An electronic neur-OPERA vaudeville machine from “maverick composer” Ergo Phizmiz, based on Flann O’Brien’s perplexing masterpiece.
Part thriller, part comedy, part science-fiction, this radical adaptation combines stagecraft, animation, and distinctive, unforgettable music into an astounding composite for the ears and eyes.
Expect bicycles, murder, atomic theory, typewriters, infinity, and sweets.
NEUROPERA stands for:
"New Experimental Underground Radical Opera"
"Noisy Eccentric Uber Ropey Opera"
"Nasty Exceptional Uppity Rabid Opera"
"Naughty Elegant Umptydumpty Raging Opera"
Tickets available at:
For more info:
What people have said about Ergo:
"Maverick composer" - The Wire
"A truly English original who we should cherish deeply" - Sound Projector
"Sounds like Vivian Stanshall, Syd Barratt and Dali making merry" - Mojo Magazine
"The musical man of the moment" - The Times
"Eccentric, boundary testing, ridiculously different…In some ways you could say that Ergo Phizmiz is the complete artist…” - The Kaje
"Bloody marvellous" - Clash Magazine
"Goes to show how major record companies have lost touch completely" - Pennyblack Music
“We can't decide whether he's the new Viv Stanshall, a young Eno, a British Zappa, or a replacement for Frank Sidebottom" - The Guardian
"An ear practised in making the magical brush shoulders with the mundane" - Drowned In Sound
"One man movement" - The Wire
"The Emperor of Music!" - Tom Ravenscroft
"One of the most inventive composers around...a musical equivalent to Chris Morris" - BBC Radio 3, Mixing It