Which Albums make best driving music
What CDs to driving people here listen to in the car? I think singalong stuff is great, as long as you don't mind people looking at you while they overtake odd as you're singing along and tapping the steering wheel in time to the music...which I don't, though don't do this too much as traffic lights, I have been laughed at before...
My nominations are - The Smiths - Louder than Bombs (most singalong songs in an album I think hehe)
Radiohead - Hail to the Thief (the bloated length actually helps on long car journes
The National - Alligator oddly very singalong, nice mood though when night driving
REM - New Adventures in Hifi - varied and long, again benefits.
I don't like listening to anything i'm not very familiar with already and especially anything remotely difficult listening. I do write a lot of mixtape CDs for driving too as well.