Is the Internet killing music?
Home taping’s not killing music…the internet just might be though.
Utter tosh says you? Read on…
Oh yes, without the internet – you might argue – we’d have no Arctic Monkey, look at the MySpace buzz which propelled them to stardom. Without the internet, we’d have no YouTube to see those promos and archive footage of collaborations and demos. Without the internet we wouldn’t have access to (pretty much) all the music, ever at the click of a mouse to download.
And there’s where I need to stop you. The downloads. How much do you download? How much of it is free? Oh, of course, I appreciate that some of it might be free but still with the consent and knowledge of the artist and record company – the BBC6Music MPFree being just one superb example. But how much of the other downloading is just a wee bit, ahem, suspect? Even when it’s “legit” how much downloading actually happens now?
If you work or study at home all day, you could be YouTube-ing, or Spotify-ing away to your heart’s content all day, every day for free. And how much of this do the artists ever see, financially speaking?
Source: God Is In The TV Zine (