Supernormal Festival with Skullflower. Teeth of the Seas, David Devant and his Spirit Wife...
...and others.
Apparently it's struggling with ticket sales, but is a really really nice festival (at least, the location's amazing). I can't afford it, but I'd go otherwise. Any DiSers tempted/going?
"Supernormal is a non profit festival, it is run by people who are doing it for the love and to get the chance to host an amazing event like they did last year, which Rocket Recordings attended and had the best festival experience of our lives, think Glastonbury '71 but less hippies!!!
Anyway, we at Mission Control have just been informed that due to the loss made last year, Supernormal has just been presented with some serious up-front costs that have to be paid. Ticket sales to date wont cover this cost, but if everyone who said they would buy tickets do ASAP this limit will easily be surpassed and the festival can be assured of happening...and with last year to go by, it will be a real shame it doesn't.
Don’t forget, all these amazing bands are playing, with still a couple real special guests, still to be announced:
Teeth Of The Sea
Thought Forms
Black Abba (Alexander Tucker, Moss, Sunday Mourning collaboration)
Primordial Undermind
Gum Takes Tooth
Mugstar (DJ)
Fuzzy Lights
Pink Reason
Big Naturals
Black Tempest
Drunk In Hell
Bad Guys
Maria and the Mirrors
The Rent boys
The Nuns
Proxy Music
A Band
David Davant an his Spirit Wife
And many, many more
Plus art by Geraldine Swayne, Juneau Projects, Dirty Electronics, Chicks on Speed, Lucienne Cole, Tai Shani and many more.
So, if you are thinking of coming, please buy a ticket before 7th August from"