Does anyone else wish there was another music channel on Freeview?
I only really have the TV on in the background, and usually gravitate towards the music channels out of habit (Viva and 4Music).
Right now they are both showing the exact same show (top 20 in the chart), so they're both pretty much showing the exact same handful of videos almost in sync.
Would it be so hard to start a music channel on Freeview that pretty much cherry picked videos from YouTube etc? Basically an extension of Singles of the Week but on TV.
It could show other cool shit like Dig! or Punk: Attitude and so on. I know it's easy enough for someone to find this stuff online, but with a TV channel you have a chance of reaching an audience that would otherwise never know about such stuff. And thus, the audience interested in this stuff could grow. And maybe, just maybe, the charts would cease to be filled with the same old same old, and maybe channels like Viva and 4Music would follow suit.
Any takers?