can we have a thread for face value resale of tickets for Pulp at Brixton Academy please?
because I would desperately love to go and was online trying to buy tickets as soon as they went on sale, never got past a sold out message and suddenly they're on secondary ticketing sites for at least twice the price. arseholes.
i was trying to buy four - there were four of us trying to buy and none of us got any :( - i'd still love to buy four, but if anyone has one, or two, or three, that's cool too.
either date is fine. both, even. i'd go to see them alone, no problem. (i guess i kinda missed them, whilst they were away, whilst they were gone...)
i'll pay whatever your booking fee was as well as the price of the tickets, and happy to meet in london sometime between now and the gig, or outside on the night if you want to be sure i'm not a tout. i'm really really not.
and on the tout point, this looks interesting: