How many new albums do you think you REALLY get into every year?
I mean to the point that you would say you liked them/were familiar with them etc.
I check loads of new stuff out every week thanks to soundcloud/myspace/spoitfy/streaming etc and from that usually buy 2-3 albums a month, added to that maybe two or three others that I listen to a lot through Spotify premium. So say I give a decent listen to say 60ish albums a year. But I hardly come close to “digesting” that number. In fact I’d say from those 60ish that I give a few good listens to, I end up with 12 or fewer that end up being stuff that gets added to my little mental box of albums I listen to a lot.
The thing is I recon that this is a number that has stayed constant throughout my life, new technology has allowed me to discover more niche music, but when I was getting new musci through the radio/friends/free cds with the NME (ha) I would still end up really liking about 12 albums a year.
So what do other people do? Have you found you really listen to more or less than you used to? I wonder if illegal downloading means people really *like* albums as a whole less, because they are so saturated… but then I use spoitfy so not a great argument. DIScuss…
*I mean new to me, not necessarily new releases.