Shellac Beefheart noise rock in Stockport tonight
Clean Kitchen Is A Happy Kitchen = Craig Ward (ex dEUS/Kiss My Jazz – current The Love Substitues and True Bypass) and Butsenzeller (DAAU/Solo) and Paul Lamont (Hitch) RAW EDGY SHELLAC, BEEFHEART, COLTRANE PROGRESSIVE ROCK FROM BELGIUM!
In conjunction with their controversial self-titled debut album which has been released on gatefold vinyl with download code and amazing artwork from Bert Lezy. A Clean Kitchen Is A Happy Kitchen have announced the following UK dates in which they will spread their musical marmite….
"Prog rock played by The Gang of Four in a free form jazz style. Challenging your whole concept of music" Mudkiss
“Deftly consolidating all the best elements of math, noise and post-rock into one convenient package.” – Hemulism
“Chaos, noise and madness” – The Rockologist
“Explosive and volatile, it could be heralded as one of the greatest of all time” - Moon and Back
“Irreverent bullshit” – Beardrock
“avant-garde maverick genii” – Green Man
“This skillful trio is blending random amounts of progressive, experimental, math, noise, in a very awkward but surprisingly interesting way” - Noizine
3rd June – The Victory, Dalston, E8 3AS WITH (Gum Takes Tooth, Poino and Nitkowski)
4th June – TBC
5th June – Two Rivers, Staines, TW18 4EN WITH (Malcoda)
6th June - Bar Santiago, Leeds, LS1 6PG
7th June – Backline Studios, Guildford, GU2 7NP WITH (Silent Front and West Coast Bride)
8th June - Fighting Cocks, Kingston, KT2 6QA WITH (Nitkowski, Poino and Silent Front)
9th June - Blue Cat Cafe, Stockport, SK4 4AG WITH (Two Trick Horse)