So, how amazing was MONO last night?
I have to admit that last time I saw Mono, at the Scala, I was suitably impressed but not blown away, and now I see why; they were playing a lot of tracks from Hymn To The Immortal Wind, which seemed a little empty and without the orchestral backing, whereas the previous 2 Mono shows I'd seen lifted mainly from You Are There and suited the 4-piece band much better. Last night was just the kind of incredibly powerful, lush and wonderful musical experience that doesn't roll around too often. It took me a lot longer to 'get' the last album than the previous records, but last night it all made complete and magnificent sense.
Also, that was my first time in Koko, which is just a strange venue. I liked it though, we had a really good view, and although I thought that maybe seating would be better suited to the show before I got there, it maybe would have made the whole thing a bit too genteel and formal. Perfect, really.